Hey there! I am learning again and sharing the journey with YOU! Do you use any apps for doing the Pomodoro Method of working? I am starting a New Zealand Time Zone based CoWorking Space on Fridays from 2-4PM in the NZ Club on Clubhouse – we will meet in the room and be able to do our talk sessions there. So if you are in New Zealand and would love to join us we look forward to connect with you soon.

If you are a night owl and you are in the USA you are welcome to jump in too… Actually anywhere in the world is able to pop on in. We will start with a work 20 minute and talk 10 minute session timing to begin.

As we move forward we may shift the length of time. We would love for you to join us! Here is the link for our Room today:

And the link to jump into the Club if you are not seeing this the day we are creating it is…

Want to follow me on Clubhouse find me at… clubhouse.com/@beboldyou

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