Have you ever let where you came from determine where you are going?
Does hearing stories about persistence and determination to overcome fire you up?

If you answered yes to either of these questions this show may be for YOU!

Dr. Kacy did not allow here demographics, or childhood living experiences to keep her from moving into her dream. She now leads and serves students with similar stories to her own to find their own way to overcoming!

Wouldn’t you love to have someone who refuses to quit and who believe that personal triumph is a part of the path to greatness in your corner!

Join us in this show to hear some of the stories of this beautiful woman who is a picture of strength, resilience, and an overcomer! You will be so glad you did!

Dr. Kacy Shahid is a relentless and courageous school leader. She inspires other leaders to remove the mask and share their stories so that they can lead with transparency and authenticity!!!

��Remember to Always: “Live Your Life Out Loud’ and beBOLDyou – see you in a week again for our next episode when we will have Charmel McMillan as our guest!

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