idk – maybe you had to be there – this came out of a discussion earlier around a proverbial digital water cooler… How are you staying connected while you are staying home? That is the Question for the day!
This is a fun way for me to let off a bit of steam… the frustrations of being stuck in and feeling a bit cabin feverish today came out through this expression of fun and creativity! Enjoy!!
Thank you Nancy Lewis Hill and the other gals at our virtual water coolder! So grateful for our discussions and look they are even being the inspiration for me to sing a song! Thank you Molly Mahoney – The Prepared Performer for helping me think about Music today! Thank you Luria for your LEDA Challenge: LIVE Every Day in April 2020! I am so grateful for the challenge and you and David helping me break out of my shell… Woohoo!!!! Come on everyone – have a little fun… We all need it right now!
You’re so funny
Thanks! I laugh at myself a LOT!!!