Do you believe in love at first sight? Have you ever met someone and felt like you have known them forever? There are some connections we are simply meant to have in real life…
Is it the same for Online when you meet someone? Is it possible to truly get to know someone at a deep connection level even online? Have you ever met someone offline who you had connected to online and thought that’s not what I thought they were like and then wondered if connecting on line was really worth it?
Do you wonder…Can you ‘really’ make connections online that contribute to your happiness level overall?
Our guest “Miss Nancy” aka Nancy Lewis Hill is committed to helping you see just how An Online Community Can Connect You IRL “In Real Life!”
Not getting up before 6 am .WHAT AM I going to do without you. Most off our contact has been in the early ours.. I will miss you.
As you saw Rita Mckenzie… I was up! just after 6am! And getting up to be camera ready is some different than chatting with you at 3AM!… Likely we will still do that! hahahahahaha