Have you been hearing that Story is important… yet you wonder why? What’s so great about story?? Why do we even need to pay attention to story if what we are selling is so great on it’s own? Have you tried to do story and failed!? Struggling to figure out what to tell and what not too?
Today’s guest Karin Olson is going to tell us a bit of her story and you will learn first hand just how powerful story is! So excited!! I will be asking her for tips on how we can get beyond the struggle too! There must be an easier way to tell story than what we’ve been attempting so far – don’t ya think?
Karin is best known for how she weaves a ton of caring into her standard-setting innovative techniques that get people … and their businesses … not just seen and heard, but experienced. An award-winning attorney and award-winning entrepreneur, Karin’s clients have experienced increases of tens of thousands of dollars by using even just one of Karin’s strategies.
Cyndilu, you are such a natural at what you do on your show!
Thanks so much it is one of the things I love doing the most…
Great point about the different view points of being bold.
Hi CaSaundra thanks!
This is storytelling right on time for me.
Yes! so good! This is so good!
Thank you Karln for sharing this content…rich!
Q: What’s the easiest way mentally and emotionally to share a difficult story as a speaker, author of coach?
Great interview
Thanks Jane! Blessing – thanks for tuning in!
Hi CaSaundra!
No worries…tech spirits.
Hi Nancy!
Hi Jane!
Tuxedo Black
right i love this!!!
GREAT INTERVIEW this show rocks!
Thank you so much CaSaundra!!! Your support is a gift!
My story is a tool to bring hope and healing to the audience.
Yes yes yes!!!
I couldn’t love this more!
Robin Bailey Maynard I know right!!! So good.
A huge thank you to Karin Olson for joining me today!!
Hellp lovely ladies!!
Misty Michele Loreto hello!!! Thanks for dropping by!!
Find a trusted friend and tell the whole story before you begin refining the story. Good advice!
“Be authentic—in service of our audience.” – Karin Olson #authentic #serveyouraudience #storytellers
Questions and discussions trigger memories that trigger new stories. Get into situations where memories are triggered. So true!
This year, I’m carrying cards from a game called Rememory to spark those conversations with people. The Storymatic Rememory – Share Memories and Make New Ones – Made in USA https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NEV41I4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_UjhiEbG2SMW43
Great question! How do you make sure people can connect with their own experience during your story and still hear your story? Give pauses and ask questions.
Love the green and purple chimes in your background (completely off-topic!)
If it’s something that could trigger some people, show them the respect of warning them ahead of time. Good advice, Karin!
Kristi Bridges Thanks! We serve more deeply when we can be sensitive to our audience. What work would you be able to bring more of your story into?
Cyndilu Miller you always have interesting guests!