Have you ever wondered what a conversation would be like between two like minded people who both love light (lightened up!) Love (Caring for others) & Laughter (keeping things light hearted and fun is just well… more FUN!

This was such a fun Candid Convo with Nancy Lewis Hill where we dove into why we are doing what we are doing? We shared our journey and how coming along side one another to do things together is so beneficial. The benefits of having someone in your groups who helps to cultivate community!

To connect with Nancy go here: facebook.com/MissNancyLewisHill
You will be so happy you did! Look for her free group too…. She will help you lighten up and take a Stress Size Off!

This Candid Convo LIVE recording for the beBOLDyou Podcast with Cyndilu will be posted as a podcast in January – Such FUN! Woohoo!!!

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