So excited to bring this topic to you! It is for women who are struggling with ‘female issues’… you know that stuff that makes you want to hide away once a month and curl up in bed and not come out… but hey, maybe that was only me! LOL…

While women have been searching all over for the answers to her questions about her period and fertility health, De’Nicea helps her see that the answers have been within her the whole time. She just needs to know how to access and interpret it.

From this new perspective, she begins to create a life FOR her instead of allowing things to happen TO her, taking a more active role in her healthcare and well-being.

De’Nicea leads women to shift their relationship with their cycle to one of Self-Guided Direction – detecting cues and listening to messages of what her Mind, Body and Spirit are saying she needs.

De’Nicea Hilton – Holistic Period & Fertility Strategist
De’Nicea M. Hilton
Cyndilu Miller

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