Would you like tips to know how to best help someone you believe is feeling trapped in a relationship that could be harmful to them. Do you have a friend you want to help get out of an abusive relationship safely. Having a plan is key – that is where having someone like our guest today on your side is vital. Join us today as we talk about exit strategies and rebuilding our lives after escaping from a DV situation.
Join us as Cyndilu Miller
Dorothea Thea Robinson
This was also my experience
In my personal story I was able to do the hardest things because I was clinging to God tightly
“That’s why I am loud.” Exactly
Submission is misunderstood
Men are to lay down their lives.
Emotional abuse is manipulating and harmful
You are needed in this world.
Thank you for watching the replaying and commenting! Blessings!!!
Neglect is abuse.
Thanks Cyndilu
Robin Bailey Maynard thank you for your feed back. So helpful. Blessings beautiful.
Cyndilu Miller God has a way of teaching us with time. He has blessed us with His heart on our lives in a real way.