100 Percent Responsibility = Being the cause of your life.
What someone does to us we may not have control over – yet how we react or how we respond to that – the decisions we make and choose to hold onto because of that is 100% our responsibility – that is how even the things that happen to us leave us in a position of power in our lives.
People who are in an accident and fight their way back in comparison to people who give up and go on without hope or purpose.
I think of Joni – she fought back and even when she did not get her ability to walk after her accident she chose to rise above that and live a victorious life. The amount of people who are encouraged and inspired that they too can face adversity and overcome despite what the circumstances look like… yep those are the people that are all taking 100% responsibility in their lives!
How about you? Are you ready to take 100% responsibility for your life!? I believe in you! I will walk with you! We can do this together! You got this! There is a clear path you can follow the pattern of others… oh goodness if you are not on board by now to do this… I double dog dare you!!
Day 9 of 100 fb LIves Challenge – what fun! It’s good to have a wee push to help us be 100% responsible to move in the direction we know we want to go!!!
Thanks for watching…
Hi #replay
So very true! What can you do
Powerful! I might not be paralyzed but so very grateful I can walk again after being hit by a car when I was 9. It’s always baby steps to get back up on your feet. #findyourpowerstance
Yes! I love your # that is so good… #findyourpowerstance! yes! Amen! Woohoo