My own story of why I want to help others discover the beauty in who they are created to be and help them navigate life’s twists and turns to make something beautiful of their lives so they can live life out loud and be fully who they are created to be!
Got any specific questions for me about my journey? Ask them below in the comments and I will address them tomorrow on my beBOLDyou Podcast which I will record via FB Live! Woohoo!
Your speech is running ahead of your lip sync.
oh dear! I guess watch this with your eyes closed! oiy! The joys of tech…
For anyone who would like to learn more or sign up for Designer In A Day, please visit:
Classes begin Monday 11/19
This is a DIY course that you can learn at your own pace.
Hey hey Cyndilu! How can I sign up for your membership?
Its easy right now! You just did! LOL… I will add you to the group. I will have an official sign up page by the end of the month but until then everyone gets in for free! LOL!
Cyndilu Wooo hoooo!!!
Nicole Thompson Invitation sent! 🙂
Beautiful analogy I love this
Thanks. It’s so true we get into loop thinking. The same thoughts again and again will dig you in deeper. Which if they are thoughts of faith is a good thing. But not so much on fearful thinking.
Hello Cindy Lou I just have a question if it’s not too personal. What was the biggest obstacle in your life that was a turning point for you to focus more in a positive direction and want to help other people be the best they can be
Hi Cindy! Willing to share that personal part of my life for sure. I am in the process of writing that part of my life story up now and putting it into a speech! I will be sharing the entirety of that speech on my podcast when I get it written – It included 5 years of depression and my journey out of that – (the loss of a child is a part of the story as to why I was in that place of depression) – one thing I am learning is that we all have a story of finding our way to our purpose that often includes obstacles along the way. Some call it resistance. When people say how strong I am it used to bother me and now I am grateful for the trials and resistance that has helped to strengthen my spirit and resolve. Blessings
Well it sounds like we may have a few things in common.i list one of my daughter’s 4 1/2yrs ago and the guy that killed her finally got sentenced. I also am told how strong I am and yes it bothers me to a certain extent.and I’ve always been uncomfortable with compliments that go too deep.(like more than your hair looks nice).I’m also struggling with depression and trying to throw myself a lifeline.i know God is the…..only life line really.
Cindy Schaffner My heart is with you beautiful one! God is there… the lifeline is there… I am saddened to hear of the loss of your daughter. How difficult that is! You are in my heart and prayers tonight as I head off to bed for some sleep. God be with you in each moment! Know that around your waist is a safety rope put on by Holy Spirit and although at times you feel you are falling off the cliff – God has the other end of the rope! He’s got ya! Thank you so much for sharing that with me… I am blessed to connect with you again here and to have the honor of praying for you tonight. Blessings